The Red Wall

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Manzanera, 03710 Calp

Within the context of the La Manzanera complex and the combination of cubes in space, the building known as La Muralla Roja asks to be considered as a case apart. On the one hand, it embodies a clear reference to the popular architectures of the Arab Mediterranean, in particular to the adobe towers of North Africa, and to a reinterpretation of the Mediterranean tradition of the casbah. At the same time, the labyrinth of this recreated casbah corresponds to a precise geometric plan based on the typology of the Greek cross with arms 5 m (16’) long, these being grouped in different ways, with the service towers (kitchens and bathrooms) at their point of intersection. The geometric basis of the layout represents an approximation to the theories of constructivism, and makes La Muralla Roja a very clear evocation of these.  The use of various different tones of paint provides a wealth of different views of the building.

Program 50 apartments with swimming pools on the roof and a restaurant in the ground floor.

Client palomar s.a.


Other Projects by Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura

“L’Ourse” Public Library
Dinard, France
Barrio de Antigone
Montpellier, France
Les Temples du Lac
Paris, France
Cartier Head Office
Paris, France
Teatro Nacional de Cataluña